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Embracing Squiggly Job Paths in Multifamily: Catering to Gen Z's Career Aspirations

Writer's picture: Steve WunchSteve Wunch

In the dynamic landscape of multifamily housing, traditional career paths once followed a predictable trajectory. From leasing consultants ascending to assistant managers and eventually property managers, to technicians climbing the ranks to become service managers, the route seemed well-defined. However, as the talent pool shifts towards the Gen Z demographic, characterized by their appetite for career growth and exploration, these linear career paths are undergoing a transformation. 

rainbow squiggly arrows

In a thought-provoking video "The Rise of the Squiggly Career" by Sarah Ellis, the notion of non-linear career paths is explored. Instead of a linear climb up the corporate ladder, individuals may embark on what Ellis refers to as "squiggly" paths, characterized by lateral moves, skill-building detours, and varied experiences. 

This concept holds particular relevance in the multifamily industry, where the traditional career trajectory may no longer align with the expectations and aspirations of Gen Z professionals. Unlike previous generations, who often valued stability and vertical advancement within a single company, Gen Z is known for seeking diverse experiences, continuous learning, and opportunities for career development beyond the norm. 

The old-school model of progressing from a leasing consultant to an assistant manager, and eventually a property manager, no longer defines success in the multifamily sector. Similarly, the linear progression from technician to service manager is being challenged by the evolving career aspirations of today's workforce. 

Instead, multifamily companies recognize the value of embracing squiggly job paths. They understand that enabling employees to explore various roles, acquire new skills, and pursue diverse career trajectories not only enhances individual growth but also fosters innovation and adaptability within the organization. 

So, how can multifamily companies adapt to cater to the career aspirations of Gen Z and embrace squiggly job paths? 

Encourage Exploration:

Encourage employees to explore different roles within the company, even if they deviate from the traditional career path. Provide opportunities for job rotations, cross-functional projects, and skill-building experiences. 

Promote Continuous Learning:

Offer robust training and development programs that empower employees to acquire new skills and competencies. Support ongoing education, whether through formal courses, workshops, or mentorship initiatives. 

Foster a Culture of Flexibility:

Create a workplace culture that embraces flexibility and agility. Allow employees to customize their career paths based on their interests, strengths, and goals. Provide options for part-time, remote work, or flexible schedules to accommodate diverse lifestyles and preferences. 

Recognize Non-Linear Growth:

Shift the focus from traditional markers of success, such as title or tenure, to recognize the value of diverse experiences and skill sets. Celebrate employees who take unconventional career paths and contribute unique perspectives to the organization. 

Embrace Technology:

Leverage technology to support career development and talent management initiatives. Implement digital platforms for skill assessment, career planning, and mentorship matching to facilitate employees' navigation of squiggly job paths. 

By embracing squiggly job paths in multifamily, companies can attract and retain top talent from the Gen Z demographic. They can create a workplace environment that values continuous learning, exploration, and personal growth, ultimately driving innovation and success in an ever-evolving industry landscape. As the multifamily sector adapts to meet the changing needs and expectations of its workforce, it paves the way for a more dynamic and inclusive future of work. 

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